Summit Planning
July 15-16, 2008
Tues. 1:00pm - Wed. Noon
KY Academic Library Agenda 2008 - Word Document created by Jared 7/11/08
Anne Abate will do Registration
2007: Open to all non-profit libraries SAALCK, KCTCS, AIKCU, Non-Affiliated
2008: Open to all libraries eligible for membership (and invited guests)
2009: Open to FoKAL members (1 per library + non-voting regular attending guests)
Deadline: May
2007: Explore opportunities for collaboration
2008: Focus on FoKAL: Building a Future for Kentucky Academic Libraries
2007: Roger Verny - Deputy Executive Librarian of State of Ohio
2008: Kate Nevins - Executive Director of Solinet
Gather biographical information about the speaker to distribute at registration
1 speaker should be experienced enough to cover all topics
Type of speaker should be: 1) What's happening now, 2) How we got here, 3) Benefits for all, 4) Inspirational
"we were hopeful that we could pull in a great presenter that is knowledgeable and passionate about the benefits of having a state wide academic library consortia"
Presentation One: Advocacy (direction on how); products of collaboration (where we are now & how we got here); benefits for all institution types; challenges and how we have faced / overcome them
Presentation Two: Shared Purchasing/lisencing- How can Solinet help FoKAL members in the future?
Deadline: April
Hold Business for Wed.; MOA signed at a later date?
Key Questions for Discussion: Finalizing the MOA and By-Laws
- Role of KYVL and KY Department of Libraries? Should they be ex-oficio members to FoKAL? What are the advantages and disadvantages to having them in our group? Invited guests versus intentional role?
- Should directors sent substitutes to the annual membership council meeting? Should they be permitted to vote?
- Walk-in access to collections and/or borrowing privlidges among students at member institutions?
Tuesday, July 15 (1:00pm - 6:00pm)
12:30 Registration and Interest Survey
1:00-1:15 (Jared)
Map and Introduction of Groups (Jared)- Reveal each existing group on the map and ask the chair of that group for a two minute summary telling how often they meet, how long they've been around, and any other important information that they want to share, and who represents them on the Executive Committee.
1:15-1:30 (John)
Context for 2008 Summit- From Summit to Task Force to Executive Committee to Summit (John, Acting Chair of FoKAL)
Ideas: Review of Top 7 "Combined Services & Products"; Top 5 "Critical Issues" Task Force Charge "Task force will meet to determine clear goals, governance, structure and next steps of the yet to be named KY Academic Library Directors Group by December 1, 2007."Recommendations and Executive Committee Work
1:30-1:40 (Elsie)
Why are we here? What is going to happen over the next 2 days? What are we going to leave with after these meetings?
1:40-3:00 (Kate Nevins)
Why work together? The Opportunities; The Challenges; Best Practices; Biggest Mistakes
3:00-3:20 BREAK
3:20-4:30 (Kate Nevins)
Solinet Services for Consortiums- How Solinet can help us grow, work together and save money.
4:30 Break
5:00-6:00 (Carrie)
Brainstorming on FoKAL's future: goals / last year's priorities (Mix institution types)
Identifying Priorities Questions: What do you need from FoKAL? What should our state-wide academic library consortium focus on first?
6:00 Seating at dinner by interest group
Evening assignment: Review documents for discussion Wednesday morning.
Wednesday, July 16 (8:00am - Noon)
7:00 Continental Breakfast (In meeting room)
8:00-9:00 Foundations and Shared Values (Ilona)
Introduction of Shared Values= 10 minutes
Discussion Stations Organized by Key Questions
6 minutes, 8 questions= 50 minutes
9:00-9:45 (Sheree)
Presentation of Draft MOA
Disection and Q/A; Call for Vote/Approval
9:45-10:30 (Warren)
Presentation of Draft Bylaws
Disection and Q/A; Call for Vote/Approval
10:30 Break and Room Checkout
11:00 Next Steps / Working Committees (Jared)
Congratulate everyone on the Progress Made with Documents
Review Priorities Questions and Answers from Day Prior
Report on Inaugural Projects Dinner Discussion
Identify Next Steps for Members regarding MOA
?How do we get a roster of interested participants for sub committees?
12:00 Wrap-up / Lunch / Summit Closes
1:00 FoKAL Executive Committee
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