Federation of Kentucky Academic Libraries (FoKAL)


Memorandum of Agreement


 I.   Introduction


a)   This memorandum of understanding and agreement is made by and between voluntarily participating academic libraries of Kentucky to create the Federation of Kentucky Academic Libraries (FoKAL).

b)   The agreement shall be continuous, renewing automatically each year and will terminate only upon written notice as indicated in section VI.

c)    FoKAL is a voluntary consortium of public and independent academic libraries serving institutions of higher education in Kentucky. The consortium, in accordance with the provisions of its Bylaws, works cooperatively to further teaching, learning and research through the sharing of library collections, programs and expertise.


II.  Values of the Federation


a)    Transparency in deliberations

b)    Participation of all constituency groups and institutions

c)     Contribution to the common good by each member

d)    Emphasis on cooperation in order to effectively stretch the financial resources available to each library


 III. Functions of the Federation


The functions of the federation include but are not limited to:

a)    Supporting interlibrary resource sharing services.

b)    Expanding and enhancing access to electronic information resources through group negotiation and purchasing agreements.

c)    Supporting cooperative collection management, digitization, preservation, archiving and storage projects.

d)    Supporting training and continuing education for member library staff.

e)    Advancing the interests of the federation and its membership through effective marketing, public relations, and advocacy programs at local,  state, regional and national levels.

f)      Supporting the development of information literacy initiatives for the Commonwealth of Kentucky.


 IV. Governance and Membership


 a)  FoKAL is governed by the FoKAL Membership Council, a board composed of the library director of each member library.  

 b)  Each member library shall have one vote on the Council.

 c)   The Council will elect an Executive Committee according to the Bylaws of the federation.

 d)  All members must qualify based on the membership regulations detailed in the Bylaws of the federation.


V.   Membership Obligations, Responsibilities and Privileges


While each individual member library retains autonomy over its own operations, participation in a federation requires collaboration and commitment to the federation. Each member agrees that it will:

a)   Abide by the Bylaws as approved by the Membership Council.

b)   Meet all the obligations inherent in the various FoKAL activities in which they participate.

c)    Maintain and enhance library collections, staff, and technological infrastructure and that FoKAL membership does not replace these  institutional obligations.

d)   Accept responsibility to protect licenses negotiated by FoKAL through appropriate access guidelines. FoKAL members also share responsibility for selecting digital resources for licensing by FoKAL.

e)   Contribute the time and expertise of its library administrators and staff, to the extent possible, to further the mission and goals of FoKAL.

f)      Extend borrowing privileges to authorized patrons (students, faculty & staff) from all member libraries.

g)     Provide free and equitable support for interlibrary loan (ILL) among members of the federation. 


Each member shall determine the degree to which it chooses to participate in elective FoKAL programs.


VI. Duration and Termination


This memorandum shall continue in force until terminated by mutual agreement. A member library may terminate its membership in FoKAL with six months advance notification in writing to the FoKAL Executive Committee Chair. A terminating member is and will continue to be responsible for any and all financial obligations incurred during its entire membership period.


Upon recommendation of the Executive Committee, a library's membership may be terminated if that member materially breaches its duties and obligations. A member library of an institution which loses its SACS accreditation may remain eligible to participate in FoKAL for up to twelve months.


By signature below the authorized representative acknowledges having read and understood this Memorandum of Agreement and agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions.


_________________________________      ____________________________________

Name                                                               Title


_________________________________      ____________________________________

Institution                                                          Date


Accepted by ______________________________________ on behalf of FoKAL     

                        (Executive Committee Chair)



Date: ________________