Through FoKAL, Kentucky's academic libraries cooperate to enrich higher education in the Commonwealth by pursuing collaborative solutions to common challenges, including expanded resources, shared expertise and united advocacy.
FoKAL: Federation of Kentucky Academic Libraries
In Fall 2008, fifty academic libraries in the Commonwealth of Kentucky joined together to form the Federation of Kentucky Academic Libraries (FoKAL).
FoKAL 2013 Summit Documents Updated
Sue Polanka's power point slides from her presentation "EBooks: Meeting User Needs" is not available on the Summit 2013 documents list.
FoKAL 2013 Summit Documents Updated
Discussion question responses were compiled are now available. To access these responses click on the word "Summits" on the header at the top of the page and then click on "Summit document" under the summit listing for this year.
FoKAL Summit Documents Available
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at General Butler State Park on Thursday for the 2013 Summit. If you would like to see the documents that will be discussed, just click on the word "Summits" on the header at the top of the page and then click on "Summit documents" under 2013.
FoKAL Summit Registration Deadline
The 2013 FoKAL Summit registration deadline is one week from today, April 30, 2013. The Summit will take place on June 6 and 7, 2013 at General Butler State Park. The speaker is Sue Polanka, author of No Shelf Required. We hope to see you there!
FoKAL Director List
The FoKAL directors list has been updated with new email addresses and directors.
New FoKAL Distribution Lists
FoKAL directors, executive committee and collections contacts now have distribution lists at Google Groups. Email fokaldirectors, fokalexec or fokalcollections [at]
LDN Representing FoKAL for Database Negotiations
Anne Abate of Library Discount Network is FoKAL's new representative for database negotiations. To request a quote, email LDN at fokal[at]
FoKAL 2011 Summit Announced
Save the Date! The 2011 FoKAL Summit will take place June 14 and 15, 2011, at Cumberland Falls State Park. More details will be forthcoming.
FoKAL Logo Approved
The Membership Council approved the following logo at the 2010 Summit.
Thanks to Barbara Flaig at JCTC who submitted the winning design, and to the graphic arts talents at EKU for applying the finishing touches.
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