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Committee on Interlibrary Loan and Reciprocal Borrowing

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Committee on Interlibrary Loan and Reciprocal Borrowing


The Committee on Interlibrary Loan and Reciprocal Borrowing is an ad hoc committee as described in Section 7.2 of the Bylaws.


The charge for the Ad Hoc Committee on Interlibrary Loan and Reciprical Borrowing is as follows:


  • Draft a reciprocal borrowing policy for FoKAL members to follow in implementing Membership obligations.
  • Draft an interlibrary loan policy for FoKAL members to follow in implementing Membership obligations.
  • Recommend technologies and software to facilitate improved lending and borrowing, as appropriate.
  • Submit the drafts by May 15, 2009 to the Executive Committee for discussion at the 2009 FoKAL Summit.
  • Report final draft to the Executive Committee for review and approval by August 1, 2009.


Background: Section V of FoKAL's Memorandum of Agreement states that the members will extend borrowing privileges to authorized patrons (students, faculty & staff) from all member libraries and provide free and equitable support for interlibrary loan (ILL) among members of the federation. This committee is being formed to facilitate implementation of these obligations.




Nominations to the Committee on Interlibrary Loan and Reciprocal Borrowing are currently being accepted. If you wish to make a nomination, please contact a member of the Executive Committee.


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