

Page history last edited by Judith Riney 9 years, 9 months ago

  Federation of Kentucky Academic Libraries (FoKAL)




Article I - Name of the Organization


The official name of this organization shall be the Federation of Kentucky Academic Libraries (FoKAL).


Article II - Purpose


The Federation of Kentucky Academic Libraries is a voluntary, self-governing consortium of the libraries of accredited, non-profit Kentucky institutions of higher education dedicated to equitable and cost-effective access to library and information resources and services. The consortium works cooperatively to further teaching, learning and research through the sharing of library collections, programs and expertise.


Article III - Membership


3.1 Eligibility for Membership


FoKAL membership is available to libraries meeting the following criteria:


Each member library must be part of an institution that:


  • Is SACS-accredited or in advanced candidacy status;
  • Has its principal headquarters in Kentucky;
  • Is non-profit.


Each member library must:


  • Have a collection, a librarian and an acquisitions budget;
  • Sign and abide by a memorandum of agreement that outlines expectations of membership.


A determination of eligibility based on these criteria is made by the Executive Committee.


3.2 Membership Council


Each member library is represented on the Membership Council by its library director. In the case of institutions with more than one library, one library director shall be designated by the combined libraries of the institution to participate on the Membership Council, representing the combined libraries of the institution.


3.3 Membership Council Responsibilities


The responsibilities of the Membership Council include:


  • Approving FoKAL's mission, goals and bylaws;
  • Participating in the annual FoKAL Summit;
  • Naming of members to the Executive Committee (by constituent group, below);
  • Setting broad annual priorities.


3.4 Membership Fees


An annual membership fee may be assessed. A two-thirds vote of the total membership is required to establish and or revise such a fee.


3.5 Termination of Members


A member institution may terminate its membership in FoKAL with six months advance notification in writing to the FoKAL Executive Committee Chair. A terminating member is and will continue to be responsible for any and all financial obligations incurred during its entire membership period.


An institution's membership may be terminated under the terms of the Memorandum of Agreement. The Executive Committee will provide appropriate notice to a member library when terminating its membership.


Article IV - Officers


The Executive Committee constitutes the officers of FoKAL. The officers of the Executive Committee are described in Article VI, below.


Article V - Membership Council Meetings


5.1 Annual Meeting


The annual meeting of the Membership Council takes place at the annual FoKAL summit, held each July or at the time and location set by the Executive Committee.


At the annual meeting, members meet to conduct business, hear reports of committees and officers, and elect officers.


Library directors are expected to attend the annual meeting. If the library director is unable to attend, a library may elect to send a designated representative to the annual meeting. Official notice must be made to the Executive Committee in advance in order to ensure voting privileges for the designated representative.


The Executive Committee may choose to invite representatives from the KCTCS Systems Office, the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, the Kentucky Virtual Library, etc., as non-voting participants to the annual meeting.

5.2 Quorum


Participation in the annual meeting is a responsibility of the Membership Council. Voting members present are held to be a quorum. In transacting business, a simple majority of voting members present shall prevail, except in decisions regarding instituting or changing membership fees, as described in 3.4.


5.3 Special Meetings


Special meetings may be called at the request of any member with the consent of a simple majority of the membership. All members will be notified at least thirty working days in advance.


No business may be transacted except that for which the meeting was called.


5.4 Electronic Meetings


From time to time, the Executive Committee may determine that it is expedient for the Membership Council to transact business electronically, via email, video conferencing or other means. Notice of such meetings shall be communicated to the membership via email at least ten days before any action is called for.


In the case of electronic polling of members, a simple majority of the full Membership Council shall constitute a majority.


Article VI - Executive Committee


6.1 Composition


The Executive Committee is composed of representatives of the members of the Membership Council, with membership allocated as follows:


  • Two directors from the Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges and Universities (AIKCU)
  • Two directors from the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS)
  • Two directors from State-Assisted Academic Libraries of Kentucky (SAALCK) public universities
  • Two directors from Kentucky's non-affiliated academic libraries


6.2 Elections


The Executive Committee is named by members of the Membership Council, subdivided into their respective constituencies: AIKCU, KCTCS, SAALCK and non-affiliated libraries. Each constituent group shall present the name of its representative for any expiring Executive Committee term at the annual FoKAL summit.


6.3 Terms


Service on the Executive Committee will commence each year at the conclusion of the annual FoKAL summit. Terms are two-year staggered terms. Term limits are at the discretion of each electing constituency.


6.4 Officers and Duties


Officers of the Executive Committee include chair, secretary, and treasurer. The Executive Committee selects the officers by simple majority from among its own members. Officers serve one-year terms and are eligible for reelection if their Executive Committee term allows.  No constituent group shall serve as an officer in the same position for more than two consecutive years.


Responsibilities of the Executive Committee include:


  • Implementing the priorities identified by the Membership Council
  • Scheduling and planning the agenda for the annual summit


The chair shall:


  • Call and preside at all regular meetings
  • Communicate with the Membership Council on behalf of the Executive Committee
  • Prepare an agenda for each meeting
  • Distribute agenda in advance of each meeting
  • Discharge such other duties as normally fall upon a chair


The secretary shall:


  • Record and distribute minutes for each meeting
  • Archive minutes and other documents related to the work of FoKAL
  • Discharge such other duties as normally fall upon a secretary


The treasurer shall:

  • Record and distribute a financial report for each meeting
  • Discharge such other duties as normally fall upon a treasurer



6.5 Executive Committee Meetings


The Executive Committee shall meet in person or via such alternate means as it may determine, as frequently as it may determine, to fulfill its responsibilities in accordance with these bylaws.


Five members shall constitute a quorum and in matters of voting, a simple majority of those present shall prevail.


6.6 Removal from Office


Removal from office may occur when an officer (chair, secretary or Executive Committee member) is no longer fulfilling his or her duties. Such removal requires a two-thirds vote of the remaining members of the Executive Committee. Vacancies are filled as described under 6.7, below.


6.7 Vacancies


Should a vacancy arise, the Executive Committee shall solicit a new member from the Membership Council members of the same constituent group. The new member will fill the unexpired term.


Article VII - Committees


7.1 Standing Committees


The Executive Committee may choose to establish, charge, and dissolve standing committees. Standing committees shall operate within the boundaries of a clear charge issued, and revised as needed, by the Executive Committee. Committees shall be reviewed annually to determine their usefulness and may be dissolved at any time by the Executive Committee.


Each standing committee shall have a chairperson, selected by the Executive Committee, who will be responsible for naming members to the committee, coordinating the committee’s activities, reporting progress to the Executive Committee as requested, and submitting a report to the Executive Committee and the Membership Council before or during the annual FoKAL summit meeting. Chairs serve two-year terms and are eligible for reappointment. Chairs are subject to removal at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


Members of standing committees are selected from the library staffs of FoKAL member institutions, with input from the Membership Council. Whenever possible, standing committees shall include representatives from all four constituent groups.


7.2 Ad Hoc Committees


The Executive Committee may choose to establish, charge, appoint, and dissolve ad hoc committees. Ad hoc committees shall be appointed for a term not to exceed two years, to implement a specific task or program, and shall be discharged upon completion of their assignment or at any time, by decision of the Executive Committee.


Each ad hoc committee shall have a chairperson, selected by the Executive Committee, who will be responsible for naming members to the committee, coordinating the committee’s activities, reporting progress to the Executive Committee as requested, and submitting a report to the Executive Committee and the Membership Council before or during the annual FoKAL summit meeting. Chairs are subject to removal at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


Members of ad hoc committees are selected from the library staffs of FoKAL member institutions, with input from the Membership Council. Whenever possible, ad hoc committees shall include representatives from all four constituent groups.


Article VIII - Parliamentary authority


In the absence of provisions in these bylaws, the provisions of the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority used by FoKAL.


Article IX - Amendments


Any amendments to these bylaws shall be made by the Membership Council. At an annual meeting, a simple majority of voting members present shall prevail. In an electronic meeting, a simple majority of the full membership shall prevail.


Notice of proposed changes must be submitted to the Membership Council, in person or via email, at least thirty days prior to any action.





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