
Advocacy Committee

Page history last edited by maureen.cropper@... 12 years, 5 months ago


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Advocacy Committee


Dates: December 1, 2008 - on


The Advocacy Committee is a standing committee as described in Section 7.1 of the Bylaws.


The mission of the Advocacy Committee is to advocate for academic libraries in Kentucky by:


  • Providing leadership and structure to a statewide advocacy plan that identifies key messages, such as:
    • Libraries are cultural and economic assets to our state.
    • All Kentucky citizens deserve equal access to information.
    • Academic, School and Public Libraries are complementary and essential if Kentucky is to retain and attract college educated citizens and provide a higher quality of life.
  • Promoting the value of libraries to local, state and federal agencies and legislators.
  • Collaborating with other Kentucky library organizations in promoting Kentucky's libraries and their resources.
  • Facilitating the delivery of appropriate information to our institutional administrations.



Membership (through June 2012)

Maureen Cropper, Bluegrass Community and Technical College, chair

Terry Birdwhistell, University of Kentucky

Margaret Hecker, Kentucky State University

Raphael Jackson, Kentucky State University

John Lutzell, Owensboro Community and Technical College

Leslie Engelson, Murray State University

Kevin Peers, Bellarmine University

Sandy Sumner, Morehead State University


FoKAL Advocacy Committee Report June 2012

FOKAL Advocacy Committee Report June 2011


Kentucky Academic Libraries - Working For You!


2011-2012 committee charge:


To create a one-page document highlighting the benefits of Kentucky academic libraries, specifically mentioning many of the resource-sharing ventures currently in place, such as interlibrary loan, reciprocal borrowing, and KYVL.  The targeted audience for this one-page document will be high-level academic administrators, including presidents, provosts, and academic deans, who will in turn be representing library interests to other groups, such as CPE.


Formulate a forward-looking strategy.


Promote the value of Kentucky's libraries and their resources at 2012 Library Legislative Day, March 7 



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