
2009 Summit Planning

Page history last edited by Ilona Burdette 14 years, 2 months ago

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Summit Planning

June 9-10, 2009

Tues. 1:00pm - Wed. Noon


KY Academic Library Agenda 2009 - TBA


Summit Documents: 2009 Summit Documents




Anne Abate will do Registration

2007: Open to all non-profit libraries SAALCK, KCTCS, AIKCU, Non-Affiliated

2008: Open to all libraries eligible for membership (and invited guests)

2009: Open to FoKAL members (1 per library + non-voting regular attending guests)

Deadline: May 8, 2009 - 44 registered




2007: Explore opportunities for collaboration

2008: Focus on FoKAL: Building a Future for Kentucky Academic Libraries

2009: Advocacy




2007: Roger Verny - Deputy Executive Librarian of State of Ohio

2008: Kate Nevins - Executive Director of Solinet

2009: Wayne Onkst - State Librarian of Kentucky; Kathy Perry - Virtual Library of Virginia Director


Deadline: April 10, 2009




FoKAL Mission Statement

FoKAL Logo - visualization exercise

Presentations or Recommendations from Subcommittees

  1. Advocacy Committee - probably not have anything presented as the conference focus may develop into a plan or direction for the committee
  2. Information Literacy Committee
  3. Committee on Interlibrary Loan and Reciprocal Borrowing - 2 documents

Changing of the Guard




2007: $115

2008: $125 (44 total participants including guests) but we ran a $300 deficit last year

2009: $165 - try to get a breakdown to present to Executive Committee



Summit Elements

Reception/social event - cookout event

Speaker - Wayne Onkst - State Librarian of Kentucky; Kathy Perry - Virtual Library of Virginia Director




  1. Advocacy (big picture)
  2. KY Politics & Advocacy
  3. Institutional Advocacy - storytelling/sharing
  4. Group that went to D.C.


Generate Advocacy Plan on Tues.?




Tuesday, June 9 (1:00pm - 6:00pm)

12:30    Registration and Interest Survey?


1:00-1:30 Introduction

Summit Agenda - Carrie & Jared

Mission Statement - Warren


1:30-3:00 Speaker: Kathy Perry - Virtual Library of Virginia Director

VIVA Story

VIVA Challenges/Successes

Advocacy (big picture)

Academics being advocacies for all libraries (how VIVA has reached out to other library communities)


Advocacy Action Plan

What is VIVA doing in Richamond, VA every year to keep libraries funded.


3:00-3:20 Break


3:20-3:30  Advocacy Experience - Carrie - Trip to D.C.


3:30-4:30 Speaker: Wayne Onkst - State Librarian of Kentucky

KY Politics & Advocacy

How to move from D.C. to Frankfort

Know names on who is for us/champions/advocates 


4:30-4:45 Break


4:45- Advocacy Wrap-Up (Committee)


6:00  Cookout/Social


10:00   Moonbow



Wednesday, June 10 (8:00am - Noon)


           8:00 Continental Breakfast (In meeting room) and Room Checkout


           9:00-9:45 FoKAL Business

Recap of the Year (since last summit) - John

Lyrasis Agreement

Logo - Ilona


9:45-10:30 Reciprocal Borrowing / ILL Committee


10:30-10:50 Break


          10:50-11:15 Information Literacy Committee


          11:15-12:00 Executive Committee Ceremony / Next Steps / Wrap-up


           12:00    Lunch / Summit Closes


            1:00    FoKAL Executive Committee 


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