Summit Planning
June 8-9, 2010
Tues. 1:00pm - Wed. Noon
KY Academic Library Agenda 2010 - TBA
Anne Abate will do Registration
2007: Open to all non-profit libraries SAALCK, KCTCS, AIKCU, Non-Affiliated
2008: Open to all libraries eligible for membership (and invited guests)
2009: Open to FoKAL members (1 per library + non-voting regular attending guests)
Deadline: April 30, 2010
2007: Explore opportunities for collaboration
2008: Focus on FoKAL: Building a Future for Kentucky Academic Libraries
2009: Advocacy
2010: Information Literacy
2007: Roger Verny - Deputy Executive Librarian of State of Ohio
2008: Kate Nevins - Executive Director of Solinet
2009: Wayne Onkst - State Librarian of Kentucky; Kathy Perry - Virtual Library of Virginia Director
2010: Oswald Ratteray- retired Dec. 2008 Associate Director for Communication for the Middle States Commission on Higher Education
from website ( As the Associate Director for Communication, he was most deeply involved in the Commission's emphasis on information literacy, which is part of the standards for accreditation. Information literacy is the ability to determine the nature and extent of information needed, to gain access to that information effectively and efficiently, to evaluate the sources and content of that information, and to use it effectively for a specific purpose, doing so ethically and legally.
Deadline: April 9, 2010
FoKAL Mission Statement
FoKAL Logo - visualization exercise
Presentations or Recommendations from Subcommittees
- Advocacy Committee - probably not have anything presented as the conference focus may develop into a plan or direction for the committee
- Information Literacy Committee
- Committee on Interlibrary Loan and Reciprocal Borrowing - 2 documents
Changing of the Guard
2007: $115
2008: $125 (44 total participants including guests) but we ran a $300 deficit last year
2009: $165 - try to get a breakdown to present to Executive Committee
2010: $175 - including travel and honorarium for the speaker
Summit Elements
Reception/social event - cookout event
Speaker - Oswald Ratteray
Other SACS Schools' Goals (Florida?)
What about interview/in-person reflection by some KY SACS person - Marcia will type up notes on this
SACS Reviewers Experience - Sheree
Get documentation on the process - Jared
Process for changing SACS
Tuesday, June 8 (1:00pm - 6:00pm)
12:30 Registration
1:00-1:30 Introduction
Read Mission Statement
Summit Agenda - Jared
Speaker Introduction: Sheree
1:30-3:00 Speaker: Oswald Ratteray "Information Literacy in Accreditation" Sheree contact Oswald about the Timing
Q&A/Considering Possibilities (Reactions/Discussion) (70 min)
Our experience with Assessment
Marcia overview of assessment/standards
Marcia identify other panelists that could speak to assessment (Director comments + Oswald)
skills mastery, standardized tests, shape of college-wide assessment plans, which organizations use them now? (20 min)
3:00-3:20 Break
3:20-4:30 Visioning Process for SACS (our region)
Discuss Part I (10 min)
Panel of Directors comment on SACS IL Standards (Evaluator's Experience/IL in SACS, etc.) (sit up front) (20 min) Ask SACS evaluators/draft email
SACS Process for making changes
"World Cafe" Activity (40 min) (Need 6 flip charts) Jared come up with questions & ask Anne for flip charts, projector, microphones 4? (& create wiki page for Resources)
4:30-4:45 Break
4:45-5:45 FoKAL IL Survey Results - Marcia (15 min)
Show sites of what other initiatives are/have been
How do we get there? Our Strategy Discussion (30 min)
IL Committee Next Steps/Direction for IL Committee (15 min)
(Advocacy Committee Charge?)
6:00 Reception
6:45 Dinner
Wednesday, June 9 (8:00am - Noon)
7:00 Continental Breakfast (In meeting room) and Room Checkout - Check with Anne on location and times
8:15-9:00 FoKAL Business
Recap of the Year (since last summit) - John
Lyrasis Agreement
Logo - Ilona
9:00-9:30 Committee Reports:
Advocacy Committee
IL Committee
9:30-9:45 Executive Committee Ceremony / Reflections / Announcements
9:45-10:10 Break/Room Checkout (Dismiss non-directors/guests)
10:10-11:30 FoKAL Membership Meeting
Discuss Lyrasis contract relationship
Reciprocal Borrowing agreement - assessment
11:30-12:00 Next Steps / Wrap-up
12:00 Lunch / Summit Closes
1:00 FoKAL Executive Committee
Next Call: 9:00am 3/9
What do the directors need to/want to know? They are not necessarily the practitioners. Advocacy and information policy may be of interest. Three levels: National, State, Institution--we could follow a similar model. How strong/weak is SACS on info literacy? Middle States have documents from accrediting agency related to info literacy and curriculum. How did they make this happen? Who was instrumental in having that happen?
Do we take an initiative to SACS to influence that way?
What is the process for that in our own accreditation agency?
This is the link to the materials related to the P-20 initiative involving the new standards for English/Language Arts for the K-12 curriculum. Information Literacy is addressed here. I spoke with Al Lind at CPE on Wednesday and he said although the standards have now been adopted, the implementation plan is still be to determined. Unfortunately, I haven’t had a chance to read through all of this yet. I understand that it’s a P-20 initiative so it makes sense to me that what happens in K-12 will drive what’s expected for IL in post-secondary. Again, I don’t know if this is even a feasible topic for the summit but I think it’s worth at least looking at.
What issues are relevant at CPE level?
P-20 covers 90-95% of FoKAL, but many FoKAL schools also have graduate programs so is there IL for that?
Can FoKAL have a voice back to CPE to contribute to the initiatives/conversation? Academic Affairs point of entry? Developing a relationship of FoKAL with x agency/x person at CPE/etc.
Theme: Change and moving change forward
Speaker slots: Accreditation 90 minutes? CPE 60 minutes? Experience block 20 minutes?
English/language arts common core standards: (These were developed nationally.)
Focusing Topic:
it might be too soon for the CPE P-20 initiative
If we were to focus on accreditation level stuff, perhaps we could get something from the Middle States region to talk about how they were able to make this happen there. And, then have someone from SACS or the Kentucky Delegation of the SACS Board of Directors to talk about the process for making change happen.
Affecting change at th SACS level? See what Middle States is doing
Possible names/contacts:
try to get names by end of next week (Feb. 25th)
Jared check SACS
Ralph E. Russell -an Associate Director with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, serving on the Commission on Colleges. His professional experience includes periods of service as the Director of Library Services at East Carolina University and as the University Librarian at Georgia State University.He has numerous publications and professional honors to his credit, including being named Academic/Research Librarian of the Year in 1996 by the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of ALA.His academic credentials include the MS and PhD in Library Science from Florida State University. Referred by Dr. Belle Wheelan, President of SACSCOC. No SACS standards address information literacy although the concept occurs in some of them such as Comprehensive Standard 3.5.1 requiring member institutions to identify college level general education competencies and the extent to which graduates attain them. (although the term, “information literacy” is not used). For another example, Comprehensive Standard 3.8.2 calls for institutions to provide library users with access to regular and timely instruction in the use of library and other learning/information resources. Again, “information literacy” is not used in the standard—but that’s what it is.
The standards are formulated, applied, and revised by our membership.
1) Address the process 2) Familiarity with Middle States 3) Movement of other schools toward IL 4) Possibility of presenting at Summit
Dr. Russell's presentation will focus on preparing for the new SACS criteria for academic libraries
The link to SACS accreditation standards, found in the Principles of Accreditation, is: Look for Comprehensive Standard 3.8, 3.8.1-3; Core Requirement 2.9. Those are the big ones. Others that might be relevant are Comprehensive Standard, 3.4.12, 3.4.9.
What about SACS Kentucky delegation who is informed on the process? Can Ralph recommend someone from our delegation?
Travel: 300 miles one way to Cumberland Falls
Sheree check Middle States
Marilyn Rosenthal - A past president/chair of ACRL/NY, Marilyn Rosenthal, was on the Advisory Panel on Information Literacy that was involved in writing the Middle States publication Developing Research & Communication Skills: Gudielines for Information Literacy in the Curriculum in 2003. It looks like she is now in Reference at Long Island University. I couldn't find her name on the LIU website earlier so I'm wondering if she's retired now. I decided to go back and search the faculty directory, but I haven't been able to get into the website all evening. I will send an email to the general email address to see what I can find out. Even if she is no longer there, she might still be interested in speaking or perhaps they can recommend someone else who was involved in the Middle States IL effort.
Oswald M.T. Ratteray - He was on staff at Middle States, is not a librarian, and seems to be the primary person at Middle States involved with IL. I was able to find out that he retired from Middle States in December 2008. He has a personal webpage:
"Information literacy in self-study and accreditation," Journal of Academic Librarianship, November 2002.
Marcia gather previous contacts
Found 51 Contacts
Here is an interesting link to what Florida International has done on this topic:
Ralph Russell Recommends:
William "Bill" Luckey - President at Lindsey Wilson College
Diane Calhoun French - Provost of Jefferson Community College Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
Augusta Julian - President Bluegrass Community and Technical College
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